2017 is off and running! The Consumer Education
Bulletin team that I joined in October 2016 is thankful
to our readers for all the feedback and support. The
publication tells stories aimed at educating our consumers
on their rights and responsibilities.
As the newly appointed Editor of this first edition for the New
Year, I enjoyed reading the articles our Bulletin features such as
pension funds’ ways of working, medical aid choices and well
wishes from NAMFISA amongst others.
As we start the year, we are packed with new or changed
plans, ideas, and wishes. New beginnings calls for selfbetterment
as some of us will vow to lose weight while others
promise to save money, and a number of us might even resolve
to grow professionally, hence me joining NAMFISA which was
recognised as a Best Company to Work For (BCTWF).
If you are a part of those who resolved to grow professionally,
Omake to you! But do you have a plan? Do you have any specific
goals on which to focus? What exactly will you do to ensure you
are bettering your career and not falling off that New Year’s
resolution bandwagon by November 2017 when it is Namfisa’
s 16th birthday?
I know change is hard because it influences behaviour and you
are faced with the unknown, and transitions are tough to cope
with, but parting with the old ways of doing things really feels
good too. I came from the banking industry and I am excited
to join a great team in the regulatory environment that puts my
passion “Consumer education” at the forefront.
Having been in the communications and public relations
industry for the past 18 years, I have learned that one of
the most effective, and seemingly simplest, ways to grow
your career is to expand your network. And that goes
beyond keeping your LinkedIn account active. Many
successful leaders make networking a top priority—
something that should be scheduled just like anything
else you do.
There’s a proverb that states, “If you want to go
fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go with others.”
While our careers may indeed be just ours at the end
of the day, one should never underestimate where the
company of others can lead. Most opportunities arise
through conversation, because you never know who
is looking for what and when.
I am making networking my priority recognising
it’s important to have a linked circle of peers or
loved ones to bounce ideas off and to continuously
engage. I therefore leave you with the question:
What good is a contact if you’re not actually
mining a relationship with that individual?