SUSPICIOUS TRANSACTIONS/ ACTIVITIES REPORTS The reporting of suspicious transactions or activities is one of the most effective measures to fight against money laundering and prevent the financing of terrorism. This means that the more that Suspicious Transaction Reports (STR’s) and Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) are submitted to the Financial Intelligence Centre, the less risk is Read more about SUSPICIOUS TRANSACTIONS[…]


“Rounding to the nearest cent is sufficiently accurate for practical purposes.” – Alexander John Ellis • Are you running a small business for survival? • Do you sell ‘vetkoek’, meat, Kapana, cool drinks, cigarettes or anything else? • Is your daily profit around N$100 a day? Try these savings tips. They might work for you: Read more about SAVINGS TIPS, FOR LOW-INCOME EARNERS[…]

PUBLIC NOTICE Effects of early withdrawal or surrender of insurance investment plans

In tough economic times, people are sometimes left scrambling for cash to meet everyday expenses and lifestyle demands. Your insurance investments are a possible source of funds to meet your financial needs. You may either opt for early withdrawal or surrender. Surrendering an insurance policy means exiting from the insurance policy before the maturity. It Read more about PUBLIC NOTICE Effects of early withdrawal or surrender of insurance investment plans[…]