NAMFISA Online (ERS) Access


To submit applications to NAMFISA, an applicant must have a profile on the NAMFISA Online, Electronic Regulatory System (“ERS”) and reserve its proposed name.
Streamlined compliance for success
Application Process

NAMFISA Electronic Regulatory System (“ERS”) Enrolment:

Do not have a profile?

Name Reservation Process

What is a name reservation?
  • The process in which a business name is saved for an applicant's exclusive use for a defined period of time. Name reservations prevent others from registering an entity with a name identical to that of the applicant.
Name reservation
  • The applicant must first submit a name reservation application to the Business and Intellectual Property Authority (BIPA).

    1. Submit a name reservation application to BIPA.
    2. Obtain approval for the proposed name from BIPA.
Provide the following to NAMFISA:
  • The applicant must submit a name reservation to the Business Intellectual Property Authority (BIPA). Once BIPA approves the proposed name, the applicant must submit the following documents to NAMFISA:

    1. Valid Name Reservation Approval Letter issued by BIPA.
    2. Signed and stamped CM5 or CC8 Forms approved by BIPA, clearly stating the proposed business objectives.
Submit final documents to BIPA
  • NAMFISA will assess the name reservation application. Once approved, the applicant must return to BIPA with the NAMFISA approval letter and complete and submit the required BIPA documents in order to register their corporate entity with BIPA.
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