Short-term Insurance

Who we are

We are responsible for promoting the maintenance of a fair, safe and stable insurance market for the benefit and protection of policyholders.

What we do

Our department (Short-Term Insurance) supervises and enforces insurers’ compliance with the financial soundness, governance and conduct of business requirements of the Short-term Insurance Acts, and develops regulatory proposals on how these requirements may need to be adapted to best meet the objectives of insurance regulation and supervision.

Generate Short Term Agents Excel

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Agent NameLicense NumberContact PersonContact Number Email Address
Generate Short Term Brokers Excel

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Broker NameLicence NumberContact PersonEmailPostal Address
Generate Short Term Insurers Excel

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License NumberName of Insurance entityStatusRegistration DateDeregistration DateReregistration dateYear EndPostal AddressPrincipal OfficerE- MailTel.NoFax
Generate Short Term Reinsurers Excel

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Name of re-insurerRegistration DateStatusPrincipal OfficerAddressesLicense No.Tel. NoFaxE-Mail AddressesYear End